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Jennifer Parry - Dress for Success

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-140744

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Jennifer Parry - Dress for Success

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I rise to thank and congratulate a local constituent, Jennifer Parry for all her efforts over the years, as well as her recent achievements. Despite being born blind, Jennifer has been an absolute inspiration within our community. Recently, Jennifer was made an ambassador for 'Dress for Success' – an organisation which initially helped her land her dream job. Dress for Success offers styling services as well as empowerment workshops, providing a confidence boost to women wishing to enter the workforce. The organisations latest campaign 'Empower Hour' will help a total of 750 women get back into the workforce, whilst also coinciding with International Women's Day. We know that there are many challenges associated with women entering the workforce, however organisations like Dress for Success are instrumental in removing barriers and combatting stigmas. I'd like to thank Jennifer for her advocacy work over the last few years. This work ensures that women receive the assistance they deserve and I could not be more proud of her efforts. I wish Jennifer every success in her future endeavours.