what's happening / speeches / Vale Jack Passaris OAM
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-144738
Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)
Vale Jack Passaris OAM
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to pay my respects to Jack Passaris OAM, who recently passed away at the age of 88. Having known Jack for 15 years, I can confidently say that he was not only an incredible advocate for Multiculturalism, but also a great friend. As a revered leader within the Greek community, his passion was service to the community. This was clear in the way that he conducted himself, both professionally and personally. Jack was a kind-hearted man who made time for everyone. During his professional career, he served as a Councillor on Marrickville Council and also worked with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. He was also Chair of Multicultural Care for 17 years and former president for the Justice for Cyprus organisation. His legacy is truly commendable. During my time as the Minister for Multiculturalism, I had the privilege of working closely with Jack. He was a founding member of the Ethnic Communities' Council of New South Wales and he continued to serve right up until his passing. I would like to pass on my deepest condolences to his wife, Irene, as well as his family and friends. May he rest in peace.