13 February 2025
Shunde Association 30th Anniversary Dinner Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) —Speaker, I recently had the privilege of attending the Shunde Association's 30th Anniversary Dinner in Hurstville with Deputy Mayor Nancy Liu and my Parliamentary colleagues. I have ..
read speech13 February 2025
State Debt Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (15:09:28): I move: That this House: (1)Notes the Government delivered the largest ever net debt in 2023-24 of $96 billion. (2)Notes the Government has forecast to deliver ..
read speechWhilst the holidays are a great opportunity to rest for our school-aged students in NSW, the time has almost come for students ..
read newsAfter a strong campaign led by myself and the Hon. David Coleman MP, Member for Banks, I am pleased to say that ..
read newsThe NSW Government is letting our kids down, slashing public school budgets by almost $150 million. This announcement came without warning, and now school principals ..
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