what's happening / speeches / Visit to Air Sydney St George Branch
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-144739
Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)
Visit to Air Sydney St George Branch
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I recently had the opportunity to visit the Sydney St George Branch of the Australian Independent Retirees. I would like to acknowledge all the fantastic work they do in our community for local retirees. It was such a privilege to visit their branch meeting and provide an update on important local matters, such as the upgrades to St George Hospital and King Georges Road. I also enjoyed listening to the suggestions of branch members, who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. AIR does some fantastic work in our local community, continuing to lobby for improvements to the quality of aged care, as well as changes to power of attorney and other local, state and national issues that impact retirees. I would also like to thank the executive, including Phill Scott, Pat Hinson, Roger Heather, Hugh McMaster, Rod Lynch, Christine Gash, Neil Birdsall, Robert Curley and Graham Knight. I am so thrilled that individuals such as yourselves devote your time to serve our community. I truly look forward to continuing to work side by side, to deliver the best possible outcomes for retirees in the St George area.