what's happening / speeches / Australian Bangladesh Sports and Cultural Association
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-99519
Hansard session: Fifty-Sixth Parliament, First Session (56-1)
Australian Bangladesh Sports and Cultural Association
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (16:16:57):
I congratulate the board and members of the Australian Bangladesh Sports and Cultural Association on another year of serving the Australian Bangladeshi community, particularly the Bangladeshi cricketing community in this country. The Bangladeshi community, although comparatively small, contributes so much to Australian society. It is appropriate that we recognise this and celebrate all of its achievements. Many Australians know little of Bangladeshi culture and language, but they do know Bangladesh is a cricket-loving nation, and a successful one at that, particularly in one day internationals. At Cricketers Night 2017 that love of the game, and the enthusiasm of Bangladeshis and Australians to continue playing cricket, was celebrated. I am a cricket lover and I was pleased to be able to attend that function. I pay special tribute to the champions, runners up, officials and all those who participated in the past cricketing season.