Parliament Speeches

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Celebrating the Moon Festival with CASS

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-147353

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Celebrating the Moon Festival with CASS

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I would like to recognise the Chinese Australian Services Society [CASS] for their continued commitment to service in our local community. I recently attended a Moon Festival celebration with the Disability Activity Group at CASS, and as I say time and time again, we are very privileged to live in a multicultural society where celebrations like this promote greater harmony in our community. CASS has provided social and community services to the multicultural community since 1981, supporting over 7,000 families weekly. I have worked alongside CASS for over 10 years and the work they do has always been so valuable to our local community. Celebrations like the Moon Festival foster a spirit of unity and gratitude that I look forward to every year and celebrating it this year with the Disability Activity Group at CASS was an honour. I would like to congratulate CASS on hosting this fantastic event and thank all staff and volunteers for their ongoing service to our local community. I look forward to continued engagement with CASS and their amazing work well into the future.