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Oatley Electorate Biggest Morning Tea

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-97698

Hansard session: Fifty-Sixth Parliament, First Session (56-1)

Oatley Electorate Biggest Morning Tea

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (13:07:10):

I thank all those in my community who attended the Biggest Morning Tea that I hosted on Friday 19 May. The morning tea was held at Club Rivers in Riverwood, and more than $2,500 was raised for the Cancer Council NSW. We enjoyed homemade cupcakes and fresh sandwiches, all in the name of raising funds to find a cure for cancer. My thanks to Sue and Geoff from Mortdale Wholesalers for donating a beautiful winter gift pack that we raffled at the morning tea. Cancer knows no boundaries, and across my electorate and New South Wales many individuals and families are dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

New South Wales is leading the way in survival rates but we must continue to campaign to ensure people reduce their risk of cancer where possible, understand the importance of early detection and treatment, and continue to support scientific research into preventing and curing cancer. The most common cancers in New South Wales are prostate, bowel, breast, melanoma and lung cancer. My thanks to the Cancer Council NSW for leading the charge against cancer and my sincere thanks to everyone who made a donation to the Biggest Morning Tea.