what's happening / speeches / Penshurst West Cricket Club
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-102653
Hansard session: Fifty-Sixth Parliament, First Session (56-1)
Penshurst West Cricket Club
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (13:19:25):
Recently I had the privilege of attending an awards ceremony hosted by Penshurst West Cricket Club. In its fifty-third year, Penshurst West Cricket Club continues to have a good number of players, which is a reflection of the outstanding support from locals who have a love for the sport. David Gibson, president and chairman of the club, has been instrumental in the club's progress, alongside treasurer Belinda Gibson, secretary Patrick Hogan and other office bearers. They have worked hard to achieve some outstanding results in this year's season. Player numbers for the 2017-2018 were more than 176 in total. The club was able to field eight junior teams and four senior teams. It was a tremendous year for the club, with representation in the grand finals in four out of the five junior grades, along with two senior teams making it through to the final game of the year. I congratulate the club. I am proud to have provided much-needed funding for the upgrading of the synthetic pitch and rebuilding of the nets at Olds Park. These projects are now complete. I am delighted that they will be put to good use when the cricket season commences in a few short months.