what's happening / speeches / Music Teachers' Association of NSW
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-100165
Hansard session: Fifty-Sixth Parliament, First Session (56-1)
Music Teachers' Association of NSW
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (13:42:22):
I acknowledge the dedication of the Music Teachers' Association of NSW in my electorate. The association is a membership group for music teachers at professional and studio levels who nurture aspiring musicians in their talents and pave the way for a promising future in music. I recently had the privilege of being given life membership, as well as being appointed as a patron of the association. I recognise and thank President Rita Crews and her entire team for their ongoing work and dedication in fostering a creative culture in my electorate. Rita and her team support and advocate for music teachers who work in schools and who tutor privately. The association has nurtured many successful performers through its commitment to the betterment of music education. The association has always been and continues to be a community-based organisation. I congratulate members on their outstanding work.