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Migrant Information Day

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-146218

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Migrant Information Day

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I recently had the opportunity to attend at the Annual Migrant Information Day, to recognise the challenges and celebrate the contributions of our migrant community. The Migrant Information Day was hosted by the St George Multicultural Network to provide vital resources for new migrants and refugees. It consisted of various stalls for housing, health, employment, education, support and government services. As the Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, I am always looking for ways to recognise and celebrate the countless ways migrants contribute to our society, and this event plays such a crucial part in helping new arrivals settle into our vibrant and diverse community. I believe that the celebration of diversity in our state is what makes us strong, and through events like this, we work together towards the ultimate goal of promoting harmony in our community. Thank you to the St George Multicultural Network for hosting the event and for their service to our community. I would also like to acknowledge and thank all stallholders and attendees who made this event such a great success, and I look forward to continuing the celebration of this great initiative for many years to come.