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Small Business Month

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-146134

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Small Business Month

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (20:29:09):

I draw members' attention to a particularly special time in our calendar: It is Small Business Month. It is not only an opportunity for small business owners to learn more and grow their businesses but also a time for all of us to celebrate the vital contributions they make to our communities and economy. From coffee shops down the road that know your order every day to homegrown cybersecurity firms working with cutting edge technologies, all small businesses within New South Wales play an incredibly important role in our society. They are truly the backbone of our communities, creating jobs and economic independence for hundreds of thousands of people not just in my electorate of Oatley but right throughout New South Wales. Currently there are over 850,000 small businesses in New South Wales, compromising 97 per cent of all New South Wales businesses. Many are also home-based businesses run by women. Small businesses contribute more than $500 billion to the Australian economy annually—a staggering figure that underscores their importance not only to New South Wales but also to the nation as a whole.

As important as the statistics are, they only tell part of the story. The true strength of small businesses lies with the individual owners and employees. In New South Wales, the small business sector employs 1.8 million people, representing over 43 per cent of our private sector workforce. They are the families, entrepreneurs and individuals striving to create something sustainable in the face of increasing challenges. Small businesses are local endeavours. They are local people employing local people. They live in the communities—such as my electorate of Oatley—they work in. They know what people need and how they like it. Small businesses are a treasure trove of information and experience. For that, we owe them our gratitude for their contributions to the culture and nature of local communities.

Members on this side of the House have consistently worked to ensure that small business owners have every opportunity to succeed, grow and thrive. In government we took steps to ease the pressures on small businesses by cutting red tape, streamlining processes and reducing unnecessary burdens. From the NSW Small Business Commission to the Business Connect program, the former Government was focused on providing tailored, personalised support to help small businesses start, adapt and grow. Actions like those allow small business owners like my younger brother to thrive. A cabinet‑maker by trade, he has managed to expand his operation, upholding the quality standards that his business is known for.

It is well known that being a small business owner is hard work in the best of times; in the current economic climate many small businesses are struggling. The cost‑of‑living crisis is hitting small businesses hard. Rising costs are squeezing margins and making it increasingly difficult for small businesses to stay afloat, let alone grow. Small businesses need our support now more than ever. The Government needs to ensure that it is creating the right economic conditions for inflation to come down and for consumer spending to rise again. Small business owners continue to feel the pain of higher mortgage repayments, rents, power bills and essentials. Now more than ever we need to keep the doors open because when small businesses succeed, we all succeed.

In my role as shadow Minister for Jobs, Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, I am committed to ensuring that innovative new ideas are translated into new companies that provide high‑paying, quality jobs. I have had the privilege to meet and work with some amazing companies based not just in my electorate but also across New South Wales. For example, in my electorate, ACE Gutters, a family owned and operated manufacturing facility located in Mortdale, is a leader in residential and commercial drainage and home supplies. Companies like ACE Gutters and the hundreds of other small businesses in our local area provide the jobs that put food on the table and give people the chance to strive for a better future for themselves and their family.

During this Small Business Month, I would like to highlight all the fantastic businesses in my electorate, which is why I have been promoting a different local business each day on my social media page. From the Oatley Fruit Market providing fresh produce for locals to the Namaste Curry House in Penshurst, which delivers delicious Nepalese cuisine, there is truly so much on offer in our local community. Community support plays a pivotal role in the success of small businesses. I encourage everyone to shop local this month and to use the services offered by small businesses in our community. Without the help of locals, many small businesses would not survive. Every dollar spent is a dollar that stays within our community and supports a local family. I thank all small business owners for their passion, commitment and dedication to making our community a better place for all.