Parliament Speeches

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James Forrester

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-144507

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

James Forrester

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I would like to thank and congratulate Mr James Forrester, who was recently recognised as a Rotarian of Long Standing. This took place at the Rotary Club of Hurstville's 72nd Annual Changeover Dinner. I truly believe that Mr Forrester is incredibly deserving of this honour, as he has dedicated much of his life to serving the community and those around him. He is an inspiration to many! James was responsible for setting up the Mulga Road Bookshop for the Rotary Club of Hurstville. This generates the majority of the clubs income and enables Rotary to provide financial support to various organisations in the local community. The Mulga Road Bookshop is continuing strong, and this year, has provided $17,000 in donations for local organisations and charities. Further, Mr Forrester also established 'the Magic Show', which is an annual concert for people with disabilities. Any funds raised from tickets sold have been donated directly to St George Hospital, which in turn, has enabled them to purchase valuable equipment needed by the staff. Mr Forrester truly has had such an enormous impact and I would like to thank him once again.