Parliament Speeches

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Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-141706

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (21:55:25):

I recently had the opportunity to visit Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport and check out some of the fantastic work that is being done there. It was a privilege to meet with the hardworking men and women who keep Sydney's aviation sector moving. I had the opportunity to tour the facility and get up close to some of the aircraft. One never truly understands how big the newest and latest jets are until one is standing underneath them. Around 1,300 of my constituents work at Sydney airport, contributing to an essential part of New South Wales' transportation and infrastructure network. From baggage handlers to retail assistants and CEOs, everyone plays an important role. Not only does Sydney airport contribute to the local economy; it also generates over $42 billion in economic activity per year for New South Wales and Australia. Perhaps most importantly, Sydney airport helps to connect members of my community with their family and friends living interstate or overseas. It truly brings people together. I thank the entire team at Sydney airport for being such welcoming hosts, and I look forward to visiting again soon.