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Oatley Rugby Club Victorious at Rugby Sevens Championships

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-140484

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Oatley Rugby Club Victorious at Rugby Sevens Championships

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I'd like to recognise a fantastic local sporting organisation, who recently hosted the Sydney Junior Rugby Union Sevens Championships at Riverwood Park. Oatley Rugby Club came out victorious, winning the top team prize out of over 600 boys and girls from all across Sydney. There were around 2000 spectators there on the day and I must say, it was an incredible atmosphere. Grassroots sports is truly such an important pillar in my community, and I am so proud of the way our local families and children get involved. Local sports has numerous benefits beyond fitness. I know firsthand that the Oatley Rugby Club promotes teamwork, discipline, and perseverance amongst both their players and executive committee. What an incredible effort from the entire Oatley Rugby Club, both on and off the field. I'd like to thank President Ana Moala, as well as the entire executive committee, who I know firsthand have worked incredibly hard for the Oatley Rugby Club over the years. I look forward to supporting and working alongside them well into the future.