Parliament Speeches

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Oatley Probus Christmas Party

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-110079

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Oatley Probus Christmas Party

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I share the success of Oatley Probus Club's Annual Christmas Party, held at Oatley RSL Club. Oatley Probus Club are one of the most popular groups in our local community, with over 100 people in attendance of their Christmas Party. They are a social club for retired and semi-retired men and women, who meet monthly with interesting guest speakers. Additionally, the Club enjoy a monthly coach outing, biannual extended tours, monthly walks, regular theatre parties, special event luncheons, a quarterly magazine and much more. The work of Oatley Probus is helping to ensure that retirees remain immersed in the community. A social life is fantastic for our mental wellbeing and we can often underestimate the effect it has on people if it is taken away. As well as this, Oatley Probus have strong connections to Rotary organisations and charity groups, which means their work is further-reaching than just retirees. I would like to thank President Laurie Arthur, Secretary Lesley Mannion and all of Oatley Probus Club for inviting me to their Christmas Party. I am sure 2020 will be another great year for the Club.