Parliament Speeches

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Oatley Lions Club

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-109080

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Oatley Lions Club

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (20:14):

:20 I inform the House of the recent annual Oatley Village Festival, organised by the Oatley Lions Club. The festival is a fantastic event held in the heart of Oatley and brings the local community together to experience an array of stalls, live entertainment and activities for the whole family. This year's festival saw over 180 food, craft and variety stalls, as well as crowd favourite activities including animal farms and Harley motorbike rides. The festival is one of the largest events in the St George area, and has been running for over 40 years. It serves as the main fundraiser for the Oatley Lions Club, a very active community group in the local area. A big thank you is extended to Oatley Lions President John Morgan, as well as festival coordinator Bryan Pirie and the whole event coordination team. I had a great time walking through the event, and chatting with stallholders and community members. The festival is an event I look forward to every year. This year we judged the Lego competition. I commend the Oatley Lions Club for its organisation of another fantastic event, and thank its members for their continuous contribution to the local area.