Parliament Speeches

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Silvia Hardy

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-105618

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Silvia Hardy

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (16:05:40):

Today I recognise a longstanding community hero, Silvia Hardy. Silvia recently retired after 24 years as the director of Narwee Preschool Kindergarten. This makes her the longest serving director in the St George area at the same centre. Over these years Silvia has assembled a dedicated, supportive and caring team of staff and built up extensive resources to support the preschool's program. Narwee Preschool Kindergarten is an inclusive environment with an excellent reputation. Silvia and I worked together to secure government funding to install an accessibility ramp and showering facility so the centre can accommodate children with additional needs. The preschool's motto is "serving the community" and I acknowledge Silvia for practically outworking this statement in her role as director. It was with great pleasure that I nominated Silvia as the Local Woman of the Year for Oatley. It was an honour to celebrate her award at the NSW Women of the Year awards ceremony earlier this year. Thank you, Silvia, for your service.