Parliament Speeches

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Indian Australian Voice Inc

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-139701

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Indian Australian Voice Inc

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (22:35:56):

I thank the entire team of the Indian Australian Voice organisation, which recently hosted its Holi Mela Festival of Colours at Paramatta. I had the pleasure of attending with my son James and we had the opportunity to participate in the colour throwing. We were both covered from head to toe in a rainbow of coloured powder, which got absolutely everywhere. Holi is such a joyous occasion celebrated throughout much of the world. It recognises the arrival of spring in India and the victory of good over evil. In New South Wales, the Festival of Colours is also a chance for us all to appreciate the wonderful diversity of our State's multicultural society. Over 190,000 Hindus call this great State of New South Wales home. I recognise the president of Indian Australian Voice Inc, Anuj Kulshrestha, for successfully hosting this event as well as for all his and his team's efforts over the years. I thank Indian Australian Voice Inc and everyone who attended the fantastic event. I look forward to next year.