what's happening / speeches / Simi Tiatia
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-138263
Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)
Simi Tiatia
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to congratulate a fantastic individual in my local community, Mr Simi Tiatia. The work he has been doing within my community across the last four years has been second to none. Simi recently received an Individual Volunteer Achievement Award at my St George Community Awards, a reflection of his relentless and untiring contributions to our local community. Simi is a current Member of Lions Club of Lugarno, who contributes to a range of local, national and international community projects. Simi has held several executive positions within the Club over the years, including 2nd-year director, social media specialist, and 1st-year director. During this time, Simi exhibited exceptional leadership qualities and has always stepped up when his community needed him most. He has continued to steer the Lion Club of Oatley towards greater success, even during difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic, when members were not able to meet. I'd once again like to thank Simi for his continued efforts and wish him the very best moving forward into the future. I look forward to supporting both him and the Lions Club of Oatley over the coming years.