what's happening / speeches / Australian Red Cross - St George District Branch
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-137789
Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)
Australian Red Cross - St George District Branch
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to recognise every single volunteer from the Australian Red Cross St George District Branch. They have worked incredibly hard over the last few years for our local community. For their continued charitable efforts in our community, the St George District Branch received a Community Group Achievement Award at my annual St George Community Awards. I am so proud of their continued excellence. The St George District Branch is a local charitable branch of the Australian Red Cross ‑ which is the largest humanitarian organisation in the world. Locally, the branch participates in clothes drives, community market days and other charitable efforts. The branch raises approximately $10,000 each year for Australian Red Cross, which is an impressive figure. They do this via donations from locals and by participating in community outreach events. I would like to thank all the volunteers for your continued effort over the years. Without its volunteers, the Australian Red Cross would simply not exist. I'd also like to thank President of the St George District Branch, Meg Lawther. I look forward to working alongside you all into the future.