Parliament Speeches

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Sydney Prayer Breakfast

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-134365

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Sydney Prayer Breakfast

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I had the pleasure of attending the Sydney Prayer Breakfast, held annually at the International Convention Centre for people of all denominations who work and live in the Sydney CBD. It was fantastic to meet with our Faith-based communities, enjoying a morning of prayer, good conversations and off-course, great food. The event is organised by the City Bible Forum, who do a fantastic job of coordinating each year. As Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, I've had the pleasure of working closely with faith-based organisations throughout New South Wales. Their commitment to their local communities is clear through the work they do. I truly couldn't be prouder of what they have achieved over the years. Faith-based communities uphold the very same values that this great State was built upon. Mutual respect, fellowship and caring for each other are core to the success of New South Wales. I'd like to thank Chairman, Neville Cox for the work he continues to do for faith-based communities in New South Wales. I very much look forward to attending next year.