Parliament Speeches

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Italian Republic Day

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-132256

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Italian Republic Day

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I recently was given the opportunity to attend the Italian Republic Day event, hosted by Club Marconi. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with members of the Italian Community right here in our own backyard. Italian Republic Day, observed annually on June 2nd, honours the significant 1946 Italian referendum that shaped Italy's post-World War II government structure. Italian Republic Day is now celebrated by members of the Italian Community across the globe, including right here in New South Wales. I'd like to thank and acknowledge Morris Licata, as well as the Board of Directors for the work they do for the Italian Community in New South Wales. Your work serves as a reminder of our State's shared values of inclusivity and cultural diversity, which unites us all. As Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, I am so proud to work alongside organisations like Club Marconi, who preserve the cherished values of the Italian community, ensuring their preservation for future generations in New South Wales. I look forward to working closely with Club Marconi over the next few years, as well as next year's Italian Republic Day celebrations.