Parliament Speeches

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Lugarno Public School Anzac Day Assembly

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-131406

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Lugarno Public School Anzac Day Assembly

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I recently got the chance to attend Lugarno Public School's ANZAC Day Assembly, which offered students the opportunity to honour the legacies of Australian servicemen and women. It was fantastic to sit alongside retired servicemen and women during the ceremony whilst the SRC team led the proceedings. I'd like to acknowledge all the students at Lugarno Public, who demonstrated absolute respect and integrity during the assembly. ANZAC Day is a time to commemorate those who fought and died at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War One, but also an opportunity to recognise the efforts of Australian Servicemen and women in our communities across the State. Many Australian men and women have sacrificed their lives in wars, operations, and conflicts across the globe. Today, we celebrate the ANZAC Spirit – the ideals of mateship, courage and endurance that are alive in our communities today. I'd like to thank the Principal of Lugarno Public School, Justine Williams, for all the effort she put in to ensure that the day ran smoothly, and I look forward to attending next year's ANZAC Ceremony at Lugarno Public School.