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Ansto 70th Anniversary Celebrations

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-131046

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Ansto 70th Anniversary Celebrations

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I rise to recognise the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (or ANSTO) for 70 years of innovation and scientific excellence. Home to Australia's only nuclear reactor, ANSTO has been integral part of medicinal and scientific research field not only throughout Australia, but throughout the globe. Located at Lucas Heights in Sydney's South, ANSTO has seen thousands of talented researchers and employees pass through its doors. ANSTO maintains excellence to ensure the very highest levels of safety, security and sustainability at their facility. They have certainly been instrumental in dealing with some of Australia's most challenging and complex scientific issues. I'd like to acknowledge Chief Executive Officer for ANSTO, Shaun Jenkinson, for all the work he continues to do for the Scientific Community in Australia through his work at ANSTO. As the Shadow Minister for Jobs, Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, I commend ANSTO on the fantastic work they have done over the years. I look forward to visiting hopefully very soon and I wish them all the very best over the next 70 years.