Parliament Speeches

what's happening / speeches / Member for Cabramatta

Member for Cabramatta

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-130943

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Member for Cabramatta

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (12:17:36):

During question time I made a comment towards a new MP. It was a poor attempt at humour and was not intended to cause any offence. I withdraw the comment once again and apologise to the member in question. As a former Minister for Multiculturalism, I celebrate the diversity in our society. It is our greatest asset. The comment I made was not intended or considered to focus on an individual's background. I again withdraw the comment and again apologise to the member of Parliament.

Ms JENNY LEONG (Newtown) (12:18:84):

Given the member for Oatley has apologised for his offensive comment that was directed to the member for Cabramatta and his request to withdraw it, I request the member for Oatley to not only withdraw the comment but also recognise that he caused offence to many members in the Chamber. When racist comments of such disgraceful proportions are made, their withdrawal and apology should be made to all members because there is no place for that kind of racist comment in the Chamber.


I will consider the comments of the member for Newtown and give my ruling at a later time.