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National Armenian Genocide Commemoration Evening

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-130517

Hansard session: Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

National Armenian Genocide Commemoration Evening

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I would like to acknowledge the Armenian National Committee of Australia, who recently hosted the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Evening, memorializing the 108th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. I, alongside many of my Parliamentary Colleagues, gathered to honour the memories of the 1.5 million Armenians and over 1 million Assyrians and Greeks who were murdered during the horrific events of the Armenian Genocide. Whilst this is a confronting and uncomfortable truth, it is so important that we continue to highlight the terrible consequences of unchecked tyranny and authoritarianism. To every man, woman and child who was impacted by this horrific act, my heart goes out to you. The Armenian Community has made significant contributions not only throughout the State, but in the Oatley Electorate as well. I would like to thank the Armenian National Committee of Australia for hosting this event and continuing to make New South Wales a safer and more inclusive place for Armenians. The Armenian Community will always have a safe and welcoming home in New South Wales.