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Early Learning Matters Week Sdn Riverwood

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-129156

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Early Learning Matters Week Sdn Riverwood

Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)

——Speaker, I would like to congratulate SDN at Riverwood for hosting a successful 'Early Learning Matters Week' showcase. The celebrations this year were tied together by the theme 'come play with us,' which highlighted the importance of learning through play. It was an absolute pleasure to attend the celebrations and see how the development and wellbeing of children are being supported throughout the electorate. SDN at Riverwood has made a huge difference to the lives of educators, families, and the community over the years and it was an honour to be able to support this. In its fifth year now, Early Learning Matters Week gives the wider community a chance to come together and see firsthand what good early childhood education looks like, whilst celebrating the efforts of educators who make this happen. I would like to thank the Centre Director, Christie Sherfan for inviting me out, as well as her spectacular team that worked incredibly hard to ensure that this event was a success. I look forward to next year's celebrations!