what's happening / speeches / Leslie Gover
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-127991
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Leslie Gover
Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)
——Speaker, I would like to congratulate a constituent within my local community, Mr Leslie Gover, for his fundraising efforts over the last few years. Leslie is currently participating in the 'Big Walk for Little Kids,' organised by the Camp Quality organisation, who provide outstanding support for children living with cancer, as well as their families. His inspiration is Grace, who was diagnosed with Leukaemia when she was five years old. Leslie connected with Grace and her family during the 'big walk' event last year and has been supporting them since. He plans to walk all the streets of Peakhurst, which is well over 400 kilometres, to raise money for Camp Quality and Grace. He will also be dying his hair red and his beard blue, in honour of Grace's favourite NRL team, the Newcastle Knights. So far, Leslie has raised over $5000 by walking more than 90 kilometres. This is a fantastic achievement, and I am incredibly proud that the community has gotten behind Leslie's journey. I look forward to hearing more about Leslie's journey around Peakhurst and wish him all the best!