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Nadine Day

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-125490

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Nadine Day

Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)

——Speaker, I rise today to thank and to congratulate a member of my local community, Nadine Day, for her contributions to the 3 Bridges Community Early Years Support Service. Having been recently awarded with a 2021 St George Community Group Award, Nadine has offered her time, knowledge and skills to help assist vulnerable mothers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She has displayed a sense of commitment and reliability since starting with 3 Bridges in February last year. The Early Years Support Service is a wonderful initiative run by the 3 Bridges Community which assists vulnerable mothers throughout the St George Area. This is not to mention that the service is entirely volunteer based. During the recent COVID-19 lockdown, Nadine continued to offer phone support when many new mothers felt isolated, overwhelmed or trapped in their homes. I would like to commend Nadine on her fantastic efforts during a period which was so difficult for the entire community. I would like to congratulate Nadine for receiving this award. I wish her all the best in her future endeavours.