what's happening / speeches / International Women's Day 2021
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-121150
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
International Women's Day 2021
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise today to thank Georges River Council for hosting me at a fantastic breakfast for this year's International Women's Day. It was fantastic to hear from three inspiring, motivated and successful local entrepreneurs at the event including: Co-founder of early childhood education series Teach Ted, Sarah Cummings, Executive Director of Intimo, Philippa Aslanis and Cafe owner turned Business Consultant, Katherine Blizard. It was also outstanding to hear from my good friend and General Manager of Georges River Council, Gail Connolly, about the importance and success of women throughout the region. International Women's Day is an incredible initiative which aims to promote the importance of female participation throughout society as we continue to create a more equal future. Almost 150 representatives from across local businesses and government bodies attended the event and it was fantastic to see that our community has complete support for this initiative. More than $3000 will also be donated from ticket sales to women's crisis accommodation throughout the St George area. Thank you again to Georges River Council for inviting me to this outstanding event.