what's happening / speeches / Public Health Dental Week 2021
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-120259
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Public Health Dental Week 2021
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to extend my support for Public Health Dental Week for 2021 which commenced on March 8. This initiative is designed to celebrate the hard work of our public health dental workers across the nation. These frontline staff have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic while ensuring that our community can still access essential dental care. They have put their own lives at risk to protect those in need and that is something that must be commended. The program also raises awareness about the important work undertaken by public dental staff and their role in performing surgeries and procedures that are critical to the recovery and wellbeing of patients. I am proud to be able to acknowledge their every success because these dentists and nurses are the unsung heroes of our community. The work that they do behind the scenes is incredible as is their commitment and devotion to their work. Congratulations again to all of our frontline public health dentists across Australia.