what's happening / news / Work is continuing on the Princes Highway between James Street and south of Torrens Street Blakehurst
Since the last community update in October 2021, work has continued to upgrade the Princes Highway between James Street and south of Torrens Street at Blakehurst, with the project expected to be completed by mid-2022.
Member for Oatley, Mark Coure, said that the works are progressing in a timely manner.
“Transport for NSW has been busy continuing utility relocation, property adjustment and traffic signal works including the repositioning of pipes and cabling for the road widening,” Mr Coure said.
“It is fantastic to see that these works are progressing and once completed, we will see reduced commute times and a more seamless journey for motorists.”
Work scheduled for between 17 January and 31 March 2022 includes:
The work schedule will include up to 63 day shifts and 53 night shifts between Monday 17 January and Thursday 31 March 2022 and is subject to weather and work site conditions.
Day work hours will be between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and Saturday between 8am and 1pm.
Night work hours will be between Sunday and Thursday from 7pm to 5am. Transport for NSW has stated that they will not work more than five nights each week.
There will be temporary lane closures in place during work hours to ensure the work area is safe for road users and workers.
The works may require the temporary closure of side streets but detours will be in place and residential and emergency service access will be maintained at all times.
There may also be the partial closure of footpaths in work areas and clearly marked pedestrian detours will be provided.
For more information, please visit: nswroads.work/torrens