
what's happening / news / Statement regarding the Mortdale Masterplan

Statement regarding the Mortdale Masterplan

Mortdale is a great place to live, work and raise a family.

It has a unique character and a rich history that is worth preserving.

Over many months now, a considerable number of number of residents have contacted my office with serious and valid concerns about the Mortdale Masterplan and the impact it will have on our community.

I am opposed to the draft Masterplan in its current form. The re-zoning of the Mortdale village town centre will add a substantial number of new dwellings in the Mortdale area. These extra dwellings will mean that more people and more cars will continue to crowd local streets increasing congestion and decreasing parking availability.

Residents are rightly concerned that Council’s masterplan will create additional and unnecessary congestion which will increase their travel times and decrease parking availability.

I believe that the voices of residents need to be heard and respected on this important matter. More time and more transparency are needed to ensure that locals get an adequate chance to provide their feedback.

Any development in Mortdale needs to adequately reflect the character our community is hoping to preserve. We need smart development not inappropriate overdevelopment.

If you are equally concerned about the Mortdale Masterplan in its current form, I encourage you to sign my petition opposing the plan, via this link:

Mark Coure MP

Member for Oatley