what's happening / speeches / Meals on Wheels Parliamentary Visit
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-129559
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Meals on Wheels Parliamentary Visit
Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)
——Speaker, I rise to thank the St George Meals on Wheels team, who recently attended Parliament and were able to showcase all the fantastic work they do in my local community. Running for over 50 years now, Meals on Wheels knows the importance of giving back to those in need. The St George Branch, alongside 149 other teams throughout New South Wales, work to deliver over 4.5 million meals to those in need each year. Whilst I have worked closely alongside my local Meals on Wheels branch for many years, it was wonderful for others to hear of the outstanding services they provide to our local community. Meals on Wheels is so important to communities across the state and I am so proud of the work they do. I'd like to thank the Meals on Wheels St George CEO, Nahed Soliman, as well as their president, Lesley Sandilant. Thank-you again for visiting Parliament and showcasing all the work you do. I look forward to working with St George Meals on Wheels closely into the future.