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Jubilee Community Services' 50th Anniversary

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-124731

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Jubilee Community Services' 50th Anniversary

Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)

——Speaker, late last year I had the opportunity to visit the incredible team at Jubilee Community Services to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. Speaker, JCS is by far one of the most impactful organisations in the St George area. JCS provides services for people residing in the St George area with everything from information provision to referrals and other matters relating to community development. Particularly with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, JCS has never been more needed in our local area. None of their work would have been achievable without their amazing team of over 70 volunteers. Areas of work include social visits, shopping and sitting with an older person, helping with social activities, English tutoring and much more! Speaker, JCS is committed to providing high quality, affordable and accessible services to people of all ages in the local community. JCS has run as effectively as it has for the past 9 years due to the watchful eye of its General Manager, Lance Rickards. Lance has an extensive background working in disability services and has aptly led JCS during his tenor. Congratulations to JCS on 50 wonderful years, I wish you another successful 50 years.