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Multicultural Care's Open AGM and 30 Year Anniversary Celebration

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-124730

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Multicultural Care's Open AGM and 30 Year Anniversary Celebration

Mr MARK COURE (OatleyMinister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Seniors)

——Speaker, I rise to congratulate Multicultural Care on their 30-year anniversary, which was celebrated at their Annual General Meeting, which I had the privilege of attending. Together, attendees celebrated 30 years of Multicultural Care which provides essential in-home support services to culturally and linguistically diverse frail aged people, and people with disability of all ages. Speaker, it was touching to see members of the community join to celebrate and learn about what has been achieved since they began in 1991. Speaker, Multicultural Care had humble beginnings, with modest aged care support services providing ethno-specific centre-based day care services for frail aged or older people with disability from culturally diverse backgrounds. I was impressed to hear that Multicultural Care now supports over 1,300 clients, who speak around 42 different languages. Their growth can be attributed to having qualified, bilingual care staff that are dedicated to providing personalised, linguistic and cultural care to each client so that they can remain independent at home and connected to their community. Speaker, I would like to thank Dr Rosy Walia, CEO of Multicultrual Care, for the invitation to such a special event.