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Saint Abraam and Saint Mikhail Church

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-121881

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Saint Abraam and Saint Mikhail Church

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, at the end of last year I had the privilege of visiting the Saint Abraam and Saint Mikhail Al-Beheiry Coptic Orthodox Church to deliver some outstanding news. Thanks to the NSW Government, the Church has received $25,000 to upgrade their kitchen facilities in Peakhurst. This is incredible news and it means that the team will be able to improve their catering opportunities whilst also modernising the precinct. I want to thank Father Moussa Soliman, Father Stefanous El'Antony, Father Luke Malek, Father Markos Tadros and the entire team for continuing to encourage our community to get active and involved through faith. Whether it is their bible study, their Deacons Club, or their scheduled church services, the team is always looking for new ways to connect with others and provide an inclusive space for local families. I look forward to seeing the kitchen upgrades completed in the near future and I am excited to see how this funding initiative will improve the lives of our local church community.