what's happening / speeches / Oatley Football Club
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-121151
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Oatley Football Club
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to acknowledge Belinda Stanton and the Oatley Football Club for receiving $30,000 in funding to upgrade lighting at Renown Park. This funding is thanks to the NSW Government's Community Building Partnership program which has provided $300,000 to local groups and organisations across the St George area. Belinda and the team do an outstanding job at providing top quality training to players young and old. Whether you are just starting out, rising through the ranks or playing for fun, the Oatley Football Club is the place for you. I also wish to congratulate the organisation for hosting their successful. Pink Ribbon Gala Day event again this year to encourage female participation both on and off the field. This was a fantastic event and I was proud to see so many women getting involved in this event. This new lighting will allow the Oatley Football Club to offer more training sessions in the evening. It will also mean that they can host some fantastic evening events. Congratulations again to Belinda Stanton and the Oatley Football Club for a huge 2021.
The House adjourned pursuant to resolution at 18:22 until Friday 19 November 2021 at 9:30.