what's happening / speeches / Citizens' Climate Lobby Australia
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-120949
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Citizens' Climate Lobby Australia
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to acknowledge local Oatley resident George Carrard who is the Co-Convenor of the Southern Sydney Suburbs Group of the Citizens' Climate Lobby. George reached out to me on behalf of the organisation to discuss local environmental issues within the region and how our Government is working towards greater environmental protection throughout NSW. I had a fantastic meeting with the Citizen's Climate Lobby to discuss these points in detail and it was outstanding to see that we have a range of invested people caring for our local environment. From the remediation works at the former Oatley Bowling Club to our $100,000 commitment to revitalising our local Crown Land reserves, I assured the organisation of my utmost commitment to protecting our natural environment. Our public spaces and our flora and fauna are among our most important assets. I will continue to work with groups like the Citizen's Climate Lobby to ensure that we are upholding our native ecosystems while preserving our regions natural beauty. Thank you again to George and the team at the Citizen's Climate Lobby.