what's happening / speeches / Katinka Day
Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-120804
Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)
Katinka Day
Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)
—Speaker, I rise to thank Katinka Day from the World Wildlife Federation for meeting with me earlier this year to discuss the future of plastic here in New South Wales. As good Non-Government Organisations do, the World Wildlife Federation is looking for practical solutions to both contemporary and longstanding issues on plastic management. Included in this is their targeted solutions for increasingly problematic plastics including cigarette butts, balloons and plastic packaging. They are encouraging our Government to assist in these issues and my discussions with Katinka were both welcoming and inspiring. During her visit, Katinka showcased the work of the World Wildlife Federation by displaying environmentally friendly alternatives including: Hay straws, mushroom based packaging products and even cutlery made entirely from avocado seeds. As the Policy Manager in charge of plastics, I applaud Katinka's work as it is an area of environmental improvement that I am extremely passionate about. Our Government is committed to recycling more plastic, keeping more plastic out of our waterways and utilising our waste for environmental improvement. Thank you Katinka for all of your hard work.