Parliament Speeches

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Resourceful Australian Indian Network

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-119527

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Resourceful Australian Indian Network

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Today I acknowledge one of my favourite community organisations, the Resourceful Australian Indian Network in Penshurst. Throughout the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the team has worked tirelessly to provide social, spiritual and emotional support to those in need. Of particular mention is their shopping assistance and meal delivery programs which have been critical to the elderly and vulnerable during this difficult period. It is for these reasons that Dr Sudha Natarajan and the team were awarded with a Community Group Achievement Award as part of the 10th Anniversary of the St George Community Awards in 2020. These awards honour some of the many individuals, groups and businesses that go above and beyond to make our community even stronger. Their ability to keep people connected and engaged during the past 12 months has been outstanding and for that our entire community is very grateful. I would again like to thank the entire team at the Resourceful Australian Indian Network for their ongoing support for our community and particularly those in need.