Parliament Speeches

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Mick's Hairdresser

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-119141

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Mick's Hairdresser

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I acknowledge Mendo Cirkovski from Mick's Hairdresser in Banksia for his service to the community for over 30 years. Last year I had the privilege to head over to his shop to present him with a Business Achievement Award as part of the St George Community Awards. These awards recognise businesses like Mick's Hairdresser who continue to give back to the community and this has been particularly important during these trying times. Mick sweeps the footpath outside the shopping precinct every single morning and he is always there for a chat and to share stories about his cultural history and the local community. While I was not able to stay for a haircut on the day, I have heard so many wonderful things about his business and I will most definitely have to return in the future. Thank you again for your continued commitment to our local community. I wish you all the best for many more great years of service to the Banksia community.