Parliament Speeches

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Hurstville Croquet Club

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-116454

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Hurstville Croquet Club

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (17:57:40):acknowledge Gordon Geraghty and the team at the HurstvilleCroquet Club who are celebrating their eighty-fifth anniversary this year.The organisation started in 1936 and since their humble beginnings they havegone on to become one of our strongest and most loved sporting organisationsin the St George area.Thanks to a government grant of over $10,500 the Hurstville CroquetClub was able to purchase a brand new lawnmower to provide a cutting edgefor players.This new equipment has brought the playing surface up to elite competitionstandard, much to the delight of players and spectators alike.By having a higher quality surface, the performance of players is enhanced as itfacilitates faster and smoother gameplay. This is so important in the game ofcroquet and the players are loving it.I thank Gordon Geraghty as well as the players and members of theHurstville Croquet Club for continuing to keep our community active andconnected over the past 85 years.Well done.