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45 Years of SBS in Australia

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-114790

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

45 Years of SBS in Australia

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge the 45th Anniversary of SBS Radio and the 40th Anniversary of local SBS television here in Australia. SBS has a longstanding legacy within our community and I applaud their ability to ensure that information is readily available for multicultural and multilingual Australians. SBS has played a critical role throughout the COVID pandemic in keeping our community aware and up to date on the latest health advice. In less than a week, they were able to develop the SBS Multilingual Coronavirus Portal to curate COVID-19 content into one easily accessible portal in 63 different languages. It is this ability to look out for others and bring our community together that has made SBS a cornerstone of local media for the past 45 years. In this time they have covered numerous global events including the September 11 attacks, the recent climate protests and countless federal elections. I congratulate the SBS network on all of their achievements and commitment to the Australian public over the past 45 years and I wish them many more years of success moving forward.