Parliament Speeches

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Riverwood Hornets

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-114756

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Riverwood Hornets

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley) (20:15):I recently had the pleasure of attending a fantastic afternoon organised by the Hurstville Rotary Club in support of the Riverwood Hornets.The Riverwood Hornets work in cooperation with the Australian Air League, which encourages an interest in aviation. The Hornets are particularly renownedfor their

:49marching band, who gave an excellent performance on the day and who also attended the seventy-eighth anniversary Pearl Harbor memorial parade in 2019. This is a fantastic organisation and it was great to donate towards these members obtaining their Duke of Edinburgh awards. I am also pleased to note that a number of the Riverwood Hornets have also been recognised at the St George Community Awards. Recipients include: Andrew Vu, Jason Zhou, Joshua Nguyen, Kong Li, Lee Wood, Raymond Thi, Steven Tran, Thanh Tran, Timothy Dinh and Zayyan Mahmood. I thank Jan Gartrell and Marion Smith as well as Geoff and Linda Pritchard for helping organising the afternoon and I thank everyone who donated towards this fantastic cause.