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Life Education's Work Through Covid-19

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-113218

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Life Education's Work Through Covid-19

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I rise to acknowledge the work done by Life Education Australia to successfully adapt their Healthy Harold program to ensure children across New South Wales safely receive essential life education. Life Education Australia has been providing Australian school students with the skills and knowledge they need to live a healthy and safe lifestyle for over 40 years. This education is delivered in a way that is both interactive and engaging for students, which allows educators to teach children about vital and serious topics. This service has traditionally been provided through a mobile learning centre; however, to ensure children remain educated on essential topics whilst staying safe, Life Education has adapted its teaching method to provide online modules. These modules stress the importance of key areas such as cybersecurity, resilience and good physical and emotional health. I want to take this time to congratulate Life Education on their successful transition and commend the executive team, Chair, the Hon. Alan Cadman OAM, National CEO Kellie Sloane and New South Wales CEO Jonathon Peatfield for their dedication and commitment to the children of New South Wales.