Parliament Speeches

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Greek Festival of Sydney

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-112909

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Greek Festival of Sydney

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, earlier this year, I had the pleasure of attending the Greek Festival of Sydney, hosted by my friends at the Greek Orthodox Community of New South Wales. I have said it before and I will say it again – we are so lucky to be part of such a multicultural society, and I am proud to represent a diverse array of multicultural communities in my electorate of Oatley. The Greek Festival of Sydney did not disappoint – I had a fantastic time listening to Greek music and visiting many of the stalls. The Greek heritage is very strong, and it was great to enjoy and experience this unique culture in my electorate. I would like to thank the Greek Orthodox Community of New South Wales for inviting me to attend the festival- particularly President Harry Danalis, Festival Chair Nia Karteris, Treasurer Chris Belerhas, Secretary Michael Tsilmos and Festival Director Pamela Proestos. It is an event I look forward to every year and I had a fantastic time.