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Ahepa New Year's Blessing

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-112771

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

Ahepa New Year's Blessing

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—Speaker, I rise to inform the house of the Order of AHEPA's New Year Blessing and Celebration, held on the 20th of January. His Eminence Archbishop of Australia Makarios delivered a blessing, where he wished everyone present health and success for the year ahead. The Order of AHEPA is part of the largest Hellenic association in the world. Their influence is felt in the local community, as well as across New South Wales. They endeavour primarily to raise funds for charitable courses, often using their following to reach regional areas. Aside from charitable initiatives, AHEPA are working to create further acceptance and appreciation for multicultural communities. They are influential in the Greek community, promoting cross‑cultural cooperation and friendship. They are part of the reason that the Greek community has been so successful and widely appreciated in Australia. I would like to thank President John Kalaminas, Secretary Dr Panayiotis Diamadis and the whole team at AHEPA for their New Year's Blessing and Celebration, and for all the work they do in the community.