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St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation

Hansard ID: HANSARD-1323879322-111924

Hansard session: Fifty-Seventh Parliament, First Session (57-1)

St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation

Mr MARK COURE (Oatley)

—I acknowledge the St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation, which is a fantastic organisation that raises funds and awareness for the work of medical research in both St George Hospital and Sutherland Hospital. The Foundation was established in 2007 after lobbies for an independent body to be created that would fund and promote the work of the research community within the Hospital. Shortly after, the Scientific Advisory Committee was created and tasked with the role of selecting research projects and scholarships to be funded by the Foundation. The Foundation prioritises promising new research and emerging researchers, and has supported ground-breaking research in areas such as cancers, blood clots, lung disease and heart disease. I would like to congratulate the Foundation for their work in pioneering medical research, and would like to particularly acknowledge Chair of the Research Committee, Professor Michael Grimm, for his leadership and dedication.