
what's happening / news / Work continues on upgrades to King Georges Road

Work continues on upgrades to King Georges Road

The NSW Government continues to work in conjunction with the Federal Government to deliver upgrades to King Georges Road, which will reduce congestion and improve journey times for local commuters.

The project, which is taking place between Stoney Creek Road in Beverly Hills and Forest Road in Hurstville, has now commenced its first stage of upgrades, which will see ground investigations, the setting up of the site and general survey work take place.

With more than 43,000 motorists travelling on King Georges Road everyday, Member for Oatley, Mark Coure, has welcomed the upgrades to the crucial arterial road for local residents.

“Due to the high volume of motorists travelling along King Georges Road, the area often experiences higher levels of congestion, especially during peak times such as weekdays,” Mr Coure said.

“Whilst commuters will experience some disruptions during the upgrade process, the project is set to provide real benefits to the local community, with journey times being cut tremendously with the widening of the road and new dedicated turn bays.”

Initial tasks to prepare the site will be conducted during this phase, including vegetation removal, stormwater drain installations and asbestos removal if required.

From May to July 2022, the night work schedule will be between 8pm and 5am from Sunday to Friday, in order to minimise disruption to commuters. Day work hours will be between 7am to 6pm.

For more information regarding the project and to get into contact with the project team, please visit: